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Ride to Endure uplifts the voices of those impacted by ALS through ultra-endurance cycling by raising funds and awareness to support meaningful impact for the community.


Every 90 minutes, someone is diagnosed with ALS and someone else is lost from this disease. We need your support to keep bringing awareness and funds to the individuals and their families who are enduring the impact of ALS.

The Ride to Endure: A Journey for ALS to Set the Baja Divide FKT

Driven by a mission to honor his Uncle Bruce's battle against ALS and contribute to the cause, ultra-endurance cyclist Miron Golfman attempts to establish a new self-supported Fastest Known Time (FKT) across the formidable 1600-mile Baja Divide bikepacking route in Mexico. Miron's journey transcends physical endurance, delving into the emotional strength required to confront life's profound challenges. The documentary spotlights the extreme physicality of the Baja terrain and illuminates Bruce and Miron's capacity to endure and inspire in the face of adversity.

Watch the trailer above.

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